Forever Young

Monday, 16 January 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?
hello peeps!
actually,i'm soooo boring and got nothing to do.....
so,i'm just gonna post about this kid named AHMAD HASIF.....
i introduce you to a friend of mine....HASIF
well,first of all....he's taken by a lucky girl named Alia Nadirah....
actually,the reason why i wanna post this
because he just "puji" me....
haha..yeah..that's me
the one that pantang kena puji...nak heboh satu internet!
he said i'm the AWESOME-est kid in fb!
melepas je comment kat status orang....
melepas je buat status benci orang....
well,that's me!
he called himself the FBI agent? why?
because he knows everything you do in facebook!
where you comment,what you post,bla...bla...bla....
everything he knows....
so,watch out!
maybe,he's watching youuuu
so,there it is....
a post about you hasif....

Thanks for reading :)

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