Forever Young

my life ruins :'(
Tuesday 13 December 2011 ? 0 Atashinchi ?
yeah,so I didn't get into TKC......
and i hate MRSM a lot...
I dreamt about gettin' into TKC since I was 10.....
now,I gotta stop dreaming and face the truth....
I'm not good enough for TKC.....
now,I just have to wait for the MRSM result.....
if x dapat.....end up at SMK BSP le -,-
ouhh....why my life is always sucks?????!
now i regret x mohon SMAP KAJANG
it's skola agame and I'm good bab agame....
kalau mohon,sure dapat....
but,you can't turn back the time!
you  just gotta face it......
I'm not in the mood,
Emilya <3

Thanks for reading :)

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