Forever Young

meaningful day :)
Thursday 17 November 2011 ? 0 Atashinchi ?
today was like a sad day and a happy day.....
like 2 in 1....
the sad thing was I always think about how my friendship's gonna be.....
i mean,with my friend......
are we still connected to each other....
even in different school?
the happy thing was I got 5A's.....
seriously,I'm not trying to show off.....:)
#here's my result slip#
actually,first2 da tau da dapat 5A's
 u know, u can check your result by juz texting to '15888'
then,i got to know that I got 5A's.....
so,when the teacher announces who got 5A's
it's not a surprise for me.....
just act cool...:D
i really pity for best friend....
she's smart....i mean...super smart.....
 u know what i'm gonna say about her right?
so,just guess it yourself....
well, i just hope that i got into TKC :)
TKC is like my life....
without it,I'm nothing...
so,wish u guys good luck in life....
oh yeah...
and this is me and my friend....
mase graduation tadi

Thanks for reading :)

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