Forever Young

Thursday 10 November 2011 ? 0 Atashinchi ?
jamuan tadi was like so damn AWESOME :D
seriously, sume budakk was so happy....
there's cabutan bertuah...and the hadiah was terlebih awesomee....
it's headphone....a headphone!!!!!
the sad thing was i didn't get it....:(
well,bad luck maybe...but Syakirah got it....
seriously,jealous gile!!!!
and Ainnur was singing sweetly..her voice damn amazing....:)
what's the funniest thing is when the teacher announces the anugerah for murid2....
pelik sgt anugerah2 tuh...
ader anugerah murid paling tumulak...which is murid poyo...
thank god iman dpt...he's like the poyo-est kid ever...and i hate him...)
and there's anugerah murid kontroversi and nayli dpt....
i laughed all the time....:D
i mean,the anugerah was like so damn pelikk....
even i didn't get any cabutan bertuah...or any anugerah murid...
at least i got a mug...everyone got it....
ader gamba2 tahun 6 kat mug tuh....:))
well, as people says...> half a loaf is better than none <
oh yeah,and this is me and syarah mase jamuan tadi...#smile#
emilya  <3

Thanks for reading :)

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// Forever Young-One Direction